Building Resilience and Renewed Hope for Equity and Inclusion

October 3 – 4, 2024


Thank You!

We are so grateful for all of our participants, sponsors, speakers and volunteers for another successful annual DLA conference! For all of our attendees, you should have received an email directly from Zoom with links for the recordings.


DEI Hexagons

Presenting Sponsors

2024 Sponsor Mayo Clinic   Sponsor: 12 News   2024 Sponsor SRP
The Diversity Leadership Alliance 23rd annual Social Justice Conference will focus on Building Resilience and renewed Hope for Equity and Inclusion. Conference Participants will step into a transformative, content-rich experience of virtual and in-person sessions where each can delve deeper into what makes DEI programming impactful and meaningful.

The 23rd Annual DLA Conference will continue to foster a safe space where individuals and organizations can cultivate resilience in the face of challenges and ignite a Renewed hope for a more inclusive future. Through thought-provoking panels, riveting keynote addresses, and powerful workshops, participants will emerge empowered to navigate the pushback on Diversity, embrace inclusion, and drive meaningful conversations within their spheres of influence.

Join us on October 3rd and 4th as we Champion Resilience and inspire a vision of equity that transcends boundaries, igniting a beacon of hope for a world where everyone’s voices are heard and valued. Attend the best equity conference in the State of Arizona presented by the Diversity Leadership Alliance.



DEI Hexagons

2024 Conference Agenda At-A-Glance

Please note that all times are MST (AZ time)

Day One

(Virtual Workshops)
Thursday, October 3
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

6 total Virtual Sessions
Online via Zoom Events

8:30 – 9:00 AM
9:00 – 10:00 AM

Storytelling for Transformation: Elevating DEI Through Powerful Personal and Organizational Narratives with Andre Bradford
Moderated by Allison Rodriguez

10:30 AM – 12:00 NOON

The ERG Advantage: Harnessing Employee Resource Groups to Foster a Cultural Momentum Shift in the Workplace with Hady Mendez
Moderated by Erick T. Garcia


Beyond Apologies and Backlash: Charting a Clear Course for Radical Inclusion with Alex Lahmeyer
Moderated by Marion Kelly

12:30 – 2:00 PM

Sustaining the Mission: Cultivating Resilience and Preventing Burn Out for DEI Champions and Allies with Krystal Cobran, Marion Kelly and Kate Morris
Moderated by Allison Rodriguez


Building a Culture of Trust: Creating Better Strategic Alignment and Metrics for DEIB Within Organizations with Zhou Fang
Moderated by Tondra Richardson

2:00 – 3:30 PM

The Power of Connection: Using DEI Strategies to Build Meaningful Connections with Elliott M. Francis
Moderated by Joanna de’Shay

Day Two

Friday, October 4
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

FABRIC Incubator Space
132 East 6th Street – Tempe, AZ

8:00 – 8:30 AM
8:30 – 9:00 AM

• Networking
• Vendor Resource Fair

9:00 – 10:00 AM
10:00 – 11:00 AM

Sustaining the Mission: Cultivating Resilience and Preventing Burn Out for DEI Champions and Allies with Krystal Cobran, Kate Morris and Marion Kelly
Moderated by Allison Rodriguez

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

with Juan Taveras
• Question Prompts
• Guided Responses
• Report Out by Table

12:30 NOON – 2:00 PM

• Lunch served
• Vendor Resource Fair
• Networking / Community Connection
• Mindfulness Corner/journaling

Friday’s Venue:
Fabric Incubator
132 East 6th Street, Tempe AZ 85281
click here to view map »

FABRIC Incubator Tempe AZ

Fabric Parking Garage Tempe Arizona

DEI Hexagons
Fabric Incubator
Building #1
132 East 6th Street, Tempe AZ 85281

2024 Conference Speakers and Presenters


Understanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At the heart of transformative organizational culture lies a deep understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

  • Diversity encompasses the variety of identities, experiences, and perspectives within a group. It includes differences in race, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and more. Embracing diversity means recognizing and valuing these differences to enrich our communities and workplaces.
  • Equity focuses on balance and justice, ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources. Unlike equality, which treats everyone the same, equity involves addressing systemic barriers and providing tailored support to achieve equitable outcomes for all.
  • Inclusion is the practice of creating environments where everyone feels respected, valued, and able to fully participate. It involves fostering a culture where diverse voices are heard and where individuals can contribute their unique perspectives without fear of bias or exclusion.
Diversity arms inclusion

Why Join the Diversity and Inclusion Conference?

Investing in a Diversity and Inclusion conference offers a transformative opportunity for organizations and individuals to deepen their understanding and commitment to fostering a more equitable and inclusive environment. Here’s why you should consider attending:

  • Gain Insight from Experts:

    Hear from thought leaders and practitioners who are at the forefront of D&I initiatives. Learn best practices, emerging trends, and actionable strategies to implement in your organization.

  • Enhance Skills and Knowledge:

    Participate in interactive workshops and sessions that provide practical tools and techniques for addressing and overcoming biases, creating inclusive policies, and promoting equity.

LGBTQ Plus Diversity Equity Women
Group of diverse equity people
  • Foster Networking Opportunities:

    Connect with like-minded professionals, share experiences, and build relationships that can lead to valuable collaborations and support networks.

  • Drive Organizational Change:

    Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to champion D&I efforts within your organization, driving meaningful change and cultivating a more inclusive workplace culture.

    Explore how our diversity equity and inclusion workshops in Phoenix, AZ can make a difference in your organization or community and take the next step towards creating a more equitable and inclusive environment.

Secure your spot today and join us in leading the charge for meaningful change!

Register for Conference

Our Online and In-Person Diversity Leadership Conference Covers

Social Justice

Our workshops are aimed at encouraging, enhancing, and promoting dialogue and reconciliation. This conference supports healing and accountability by encouraging constructive dialogue that can move the needle on social justice issues.

Implicit Bias

Our Implicit Bias training helps individuals identify and overcome unconscious prejudices. Create a more inclusive and equitable environment by learning to address biases that affect decision-making and interactions.

Champion Resilience

Learn effective tools that can help you be a better champion, advocate, and ally.  Our workshops provide resources that will assist attendees in building a vision of equity that transcends boundaries, igniting a beacon of hope for a world where everyone’s voices are heard and valued.

Equity Building

At this year’s DLA conference, you will work with individuals across various industries to address barriers to radical inclusion within your organization. Discover effective strategies to reengage leadership, management, and colleagues around the importance of DEI and implementing those strategies into your workplace culture.



DEI Hexagons



2024 DLA Conference Sponsors

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, absolutely. We offer partnership opportunities for organizations interested in supporting the diversity leadership conference. For more details, please email Executive Director Joanna de’Shay at leadership@diversityleadershipalliance.org.

Attendees will gain valuable insights into current DEI trends and challenges, learn actionable strategies for fostering inclusive workplaces, network with industry leaders and peers, and participate in hands-on workshops to develop practical skills for implementing DEI initiatives.

The conference includes a combination of keynote presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities. The agenda is designed to provide a comprehensive experience covering various aspects of DEI.

Yes, absolutely. We offer virtual attendance options to accommodate participants who cannot attend in person. Virtual attendees will have access to live-streamed sessions, on-demand content, and virtual networking opportunities.

Yes, all attendees will receive access to conference materials, including presentation slides, session recordings, and additional resources shared by speakers. These materials are valuable for ongoing learning and reference, allowing participants to revisit key concepts and share insights with their teams.